What is Innovation ?
It is an adventure … than can rely on methods
Ideas are coming from all over. In order to transform into true INNOVATION and achieve the marketing of the product or service, they must find a balance between desirability, feasibility, and viability.
> DESIRABILITY: User approach
> FEASIBILITY: Technology approach
> SUSTAINABILITY: Business approach
There are methods to approach each of the phases that lead to the success of innovative projects.
> DESIGN THINKING makes it possible to find attractive ideas by drawing inspiration from user needs
> PROJECT MANAGEMENT methods and ENGINEERING SCIENCES make it possible to organize and monitor the technological validation and industrialization of the idea.
> The CANVAS BUSINESS MODEL makes it possible to quickly draw up the main lines of the organization to be put in place to ensure the viability of the project.
Innovation is an adventure, for each new problem you have to find the best way to move forward. The INNOVATION coach will guide you through the process to follow thanks to his « A to Z » skills. aperiam